Available Positions:
Secretary General (President) x1
Director General (Vice President) x1
USG of Finance (Treasurer) x1
USG of Logistics & Communications (Secretary & Public Relations) x1
Head Training Director x2
Assistant Training Director x2
Application Timeline:
​March 3rd: Application Released​
March 12th: Application Deadline
March 16th: Interview invites released
March 17th-24th: In-person interviews
April 4th: April Mock Conference
April 14st: 2024-2025 officers announced
April 15th: First 24-25 officer board meeting
Officer Responsibilities
All Officers
Attend weekly member meeting and monthly officer meetings
Compete at least once per month (unless no conference opportunities are offered for a particular month)
Actively communicate on Messenger
Assist training meetings (deliver lectures, conduct drills, provide feedback to prep assignments, etc.)
Assist and plan mock conferences
Help other officers, if requested/needed
Secretary General (President)
Oversee the entire club and the officer board
Oversee the planning of Tri-Valley MUN
Lead and ensure every club meeting runs smoothly
Ensure all club-related deadlines are met by keeping all officers accountable
Respond to emails sent to dvhighmun@gmail.com
Actively communicate with the advisor
Director General (Vice President)
Register club members for conferences
Finalize conference roster and organize conference carpools
Handle logistics for travel conferences
Actively communicate with the advisor
USG of Finance (Treasurer)
Submit annual club budget and webstore payment requests to Ms. Siladie
Manage and approve all club-related expenses, including but not limited to conference registrations, membership payments, reimbursements, TVMUN payments, etc on time
Actively communicate with the advisor
USG of Logistics & Communications (Secretary & Public Relations)
Submit monthly club minutes form to the DVHS leadership team
Manage DVMUN Instagram, Facebook, and website
Take notes at officer board meetings
Create flyers for DVMUN events and programs
Design DVMUN merchandise
Send out reminders on Remind
Respond to emails sent to dvhighmun@gmail.com
Head Training Directors
Develop curriculum for weekly club meetings
Develop curriculum for weekly middle school program meetings
Lead training meetings and drills
Lead mock conference planning
Lead TVMUN committee planning
Assistant Training Directors
Assist Head Training Directors in carrying out each task